
Saturday, 5 April 2014


The barrier is trauma.

Whether adopted from birth or later in life, all adopted children have experienced some degree of trauma. Trauma is any stressful event which is prolonged, overwhelming, or unpredictable. Though we are familiar with events impacting children such as abuse, neglect, and domestic violence, until recently, the full impact of trauma on adopted children has not been understood.

Scientific research now reveals that as early as the second trimester, the human foetus is capable of auditory processing and in fact, is capable of processing rejection in utero. In addition to the rejection and abandonment felt by the newborn  or any age adoptee for that matter, it must be recognized that the far greater trauma often times occurs in the way in which the mind and body system of the newborn is incapable of processing the loss of the biological figure. Far beyond any cognitive awareness, this experience is stored deep within the cells of the body, routinely leading to states of anxiety and depression for the adopted child later in life.

                                                                                                Algonquin tribe 

The hare is associated with a number of myths from many different cultures.  The Algonquin tribe honored the Great Hare as a demiurge, a role in the creation of the world.  The Egyptians also saw the hare involved in a creation story.  For them, the hare came to mean procreation, and then immorality.  While the hare is often associated with impatience and haste (like the “Tortoise and the Hare” fable), it’s important to note that other cultures, like the Goths, saw the hare as fleet and swift, and symbols of diligence.  This reflects the attitudes of medieval hunters, who viewed hares as a challenge to catch.
Hare people are considered sensitive and artistic, and also linked with ambition, fitness, and virtue.  However, the hare is not just associated with positive things.  Hares are also thought of as greedy and selfish, even a bad example for people.  Hare is seen as a jokester, linked with trickery and fraud.  Even those with hare medicine are clever, often unreliable, and frequently thinking of themselves.
Although hare has some qualities that are less than redeeming, there are things he can teach us.  Because they move in leaping and hopping motions, those with rabbit and hare totems can expect changes in their own lives in the same kind of movement.  Hare can also aid people in recognizing the signs around them by attuning to lunar cycles and understanding the tides of movement in their own lives.





Thursday, 6 June 2013

In graphical perspective, a vanishing point is a point in the picture plane π that is determined by a line in space. Given the oculus or eye point O and a line L not parallel to π, let M be the line through O and parallel to L. Then the vanishing point of L is the intersection of M and π. Traditional linear drawings use one to three vanishing points.

The vanishing point theorem is the principle theorem in the science of perspective. It says that the image in a picture plane π of a line L in space, not parallel to the picture, is determined by its intersection with π and its vanishing point. Some authors have used the phrase, "the image of a line includes its vanishing point". Guidobaldo del Monte gave several verifications, and Humphry Ditton called the result the "main and Great Proposition". Brook Taylor stressed its importance, and historian Kirsti Andersen assembled these observations She notes, in terms of projective geometry, the vanishing point is the image of the point at infinity associated with L, as the sightline from O through the vanishing point is parallel to L.
Vanishing line 

As a vanishing point originates in a line, so a vanishing line originates in a plane α that is not parallel to the picture π. Given the eye point O, and β the plane parallel to α and lying on O, then the vanishing line of α is β ∩ π. For example, when α = π = ground plane, then β is the horizon plane with β ∩ π the horizon line.

Use in driving 

Vanishing points can also refer to the point in the distance where the edges of the roadway appear to converge. Movement of the vanishing point can help assess the upcoming curves in the road. If the vanishing point moves towards you or to your sides, the curve radius is reducing, so speed should be reduced. If the vanishing point moves away from you or comes to center, the curve is straightening.
Curvilinear and reverse perspective 

A curvilinear perspective is a drawing with either 4 or 5 vanishing points, in 5-point perspective the vanishing points are mapped into a circle with 4 vanishing points at the cardinal headings N,W,S,E and one at the circle origin.
A reverse perspective is a drawing with vanishing points that are placed outside the painting with the illusion that they are "in front of" the painting.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Integration is an important concept in mathematics and, together with its inverse, differentiation, is one of the two main operations in calculus. Given afunction f of a real variable x and an interval [ab] of the real line, the definite integral
\int_a^b \! f(x)\,dx \,
is defined informally to be the signed area of the region in the xy-plane bounded by the graph of f, the x-axis, and the vertical lines x = a and x = b, such that area above the x-axis adds to the total, and that below the x-axis subtracts from the total.
The term integral may also refer to the notion of the antiderivative, a function F whose derivative is the given function f. In this case, it is called anindefinite integral and is written:
F = \int f(x)\,dx.
The integrals discussed in this article are termed definite integrals.
The principles of integration were formulated independently by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz in the late 17th century. Through the fundamental theorem of calculus, which they independently developed, integration is connected with differentiation: if f is a continuous real-valued function defined on a closed interval [ab], then, once an antiderivative F of f is known, the definite integral of f over that interval is given by
\int_a^b \! f(x)\,dx = F(b) - F(a)\,
Integrals and derivatives became the basic tools of calculus, with numerous applications in science and engineering. The founders of the calculus thought of the integral as an infinite sum of rectangles of infinitesimal width. A rigorous mathematical definition of the integral was given by Bernhard Riemann. It is based on a limiting procedure which approximates the area of a curvilinear region by breaking the region into thin vertical slabs. Beginning in the nineteenth century, more sophisticated notions of integrals began to appear, where the type of the function as well as the domain over which the integration is performed has been generalised. A line integral is defined for functions of two or three variables, and the interval of integration [ab] is replaced by a certain curve connecting two points on the plane or in the space. In a surface integral, the curve is replaced by a piece of a surface in the three-dimensional space. Integrals of differential forms play a fundamental role in modern differential geometry. These generalizations of integrals first arose from the needs of physics, and they play an important role in the formulation of many physical laws, notably those of electrodynamics. There are many modern concepts of integration, among these, the most common is based on the abstract mathematical theory known as Lebesgue integration, developed by Henri Lebesgue.

Fundamental theorem
Limits of functions
Mean value theorem
Rolle's theorem
Differential calculus
Integral calculus
Lists of integrals
Antiderivative Integral Improper integral Riemann integral Lebesgue integration Contour integral
Integration by
parts discs cylindrical shells substitution trigonometric substitution partial fractions changing order reduction formulae
Vector calculus
Multivariable calculus
Specialized calculi


An integer is a number that can be written without a fractional or decimal component. For example, 21, 4, and −2048 are integers; 9.75, 5½, and 2 are not integers. The set of integers is a subset of the real numbers, and consists of the natural numbers (0123, ...) and the negatives of the non-zero natural numbers (−1, −2, −3, ...).
The name derives from the Latin integer (meaning literally "untouched," hence "whole": the word entire comes from the same origin, but via French[1]). The set of all integers is often denoted by a boldface Z (or blackboard bold \mathbb{Z}Unicode U+2124 ), which stands for Zahlen (German for numbers, pronounced [ˈtsaːlən]).[2]
The integers (with addition as operation) form the smallest group containing the additive monoid of the natural numbers. Like the natural numbers, the integers form acountably infinite set. In algebraic number theory, these commonly understood integers, embedded in the field of rational numbers, are referred to as rational integers to distinguish them from the more broadly defined algebraic integers.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Calliope= Beautiful voice
Chief of the nine Muses. She was the patron of epic poetry. Calliope was the mother of Orpheus by the King of Thrace. There is a great story about Orpheus coming to the Myth Pages. Her symbol was a writing tablet. Calliope was probably the most mythically involved of the Muses, and you can find her on this site as the arbiter in the dispute between Aphrodite and Persephone over Adonis (check it out). Calliope was also sometimes called the mother of Hymen (the god of marriage), Ialemus (sad song god), the Corybantes, the Sirens, etc. They're all very musical children, of course.k 

Clio= Proclaimer
One of the nine Muses. She was the patron of history, and inventor of historical and heroic poetry. From a union with King Pierus she bore a son, Hyacinthus. He was a handsome lad who was killed by his lover, Apollo. From his blood grew the flower that bears his name. She was also the person who brought the Phoenician alphabet to Greece. Her symbol was a scroll. 

Erato= Passionate or Lovely
The Muse of lyric poetry about love and eroticism. Ooooooh. She was also the patron Muse of parrots and crows, considering that she was the Muse of Mimicry, as well. I like her. 

Euterpe= Rejoicing Well or Pleasure Giver
The Muse of lyric poetry and music. But not ONLY that, she was also the cheerful muse (you know, there's always a cute one, a hard core one, a cheerful overly chipper one, well that would be Euterpe). She was in charge of joy and pleasure and . . . are you ready? FLUTE playing! Oh yes. How pleasureful. Her attribute was the double flute, that some say she invented (though I prefer the version that gave it's copyright to Athena. 

Polyhymnia =Many Songs
Okay, Polyhymia is the somber and beautiful one. She was the Muse of Sacred Hymn, and of Eloquence. She is shown in pictures as a serious woman usually in a position of meditation or thoughtfulness, sometimes with a finger to her mouth in thought. She wears long robes. 

Melpomene =Songstress
One of the Muses. She was the muse of Tragedy and that was it. She is often showing wearing the cothurnus (ie, boots traditionally worn by tragic actors), and she usually carries or wears the tragic mask. Sometimes she also carries a knife or club. 

Terpsichore =Rejoicing in the Dance or WhirlingThe Muse of dancing and choral singing. She could be recognized because she was the one dancing around with a lyre in her hands. Like her sister Calliope, Tersichore was a mother. Some say she bore the Sirens with the River God Achelous. The sagas of Thebes call her the mother of Linus by Apollo (others say Calliope and more ancient texts call Urania the true mother - see Urania for his story), also Hymen (like Calliope). 

Thalia= Festive or Flourishing
One of the nine Muses. She presided over comedy and pastoral poetry which explains why she holds a comic mask. But Thalia is the "country girl" of the group. She loves to traipse about meadows and forests and rural places that a city girl like me wouldn't know about. That's why she carries the shepherd's crook, as well. 

Urania =Mountain Queen
Muse of astronomy and astrology (One of the nine Muses). Mother of a son Linus. His father was Amphimarus (a son of Poseidon), and that he became such a beautiful singer that Apollo grew jealous and killed him. For this, Linus is sacrificed to before the Muses as a hero. Urania is often pictured carrying a globe in one hand and a pair of compasses in the other. They say that Urania inspires only chaste love - but that's really more using Urania as an epithet of Aphrodite's - and in classical tradition she rests her foot on a turtle (the symbol of silence and retreat). 

Cytokinesis, from the greek cyto- (cell) and kinesis (motion, movement), is the process in which the cytoplasm of a single eukaryotic cell is divided to form two daughter cells. It usually initiates during the late stages of mitosis, and sometimes meiosis, splitting a mitotic cell in two, to ensure that chromosome number is maintained from one generation to the next. In animal cells, one notable exception to the normal process of cytokinesis is oogenesis (the creation of an ovum in the ovarian follicle of the ovary), where the ovum takes almost all the cytoplasm and organelles, leaving very little for the resulting polar bodies, which then die. In plant cells, a dividing structure known as the cell plate forms across the centre of the cytoplasm and a new cell wall forms between the two daughter cells.

Cytokinesis is distinguished from the prokaryotic process of binary fission.

A biological membrane or biomembrane is an enclosing or separating membrane that acts as a selective barrier, within or around a cell. It consists of a lipid bilayer with embedded proteins that may constitute close to 50% of membrane content.[1] The cellular membranes should not be confused with isolating tissues formed by layers of cells, such as mucous and basement membranes.

Membranes in cells typically define enclosed spaces or compartments in which cells may maintain a chemical or biochemical environment that differs from the outside. For example, the membrane around peroxisomes shields the rest of the cell from peroxides, and the cell membrane separates a cell from its surrounding medium. Most organelles are defined by such membranes, and are called "membrane-bound" organelles.
Probably the most important feature of a biomembrane is that it is a selectively permeable structure. This means that the size, charge, and other chemical properties of the atoms and molecules attempting to cross it will determine whether they succeed in doing so. Selective permeability is essential for effective separation of a cell or organelle from its surroundings. Biological membranes also have certain mechanical or elastic properties.
Particles that are required for cellular function but are unable to diffuse freely across a membrane enter through a membrane transport protein or are taken in by means of endocytosis.
Diversity of biological membranes 

Many types of specialized plasma membranes can separate cell from external environment: apical, basolateral, presynaptic and postsynaptic ones, membranes of flagella, cilia, microvillus, filopodia and lamellipodia, the sarcolemma of muscle cells, as well as specialized myelin and dendritic spine membranes of neurons. Plasma membranes can also form different types of "supramembrane" structures such as caveola, postsynaptic density, podosome, invadopodium, desmosome, hemidesmosome, focal adhesion, and cell junctions. These types of membranes differ in lipid and protein composition.
Distinct types of membranes also create intracellular organelles: endosome; smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum; sarcoplasmic reticulum; Golgi apparatus; lysosome; mitochondrion (inner and outer membranes); nucleus (inner and outer membranes); peroxisome; vacuole; cytoplasmic granules; cell vesicles (phagosome, autophagosome, clathrin-coated vesicles, COPI-coated and COPII-coated vesicles) and secretory vesicles (including synaptosome, acrosomes, melanosomes, and chromaffin granules).
Different types of biological membranes have diverse lipid and protein compositions. The content of membranes defines their physical and biological properties. Some components of membranes play a key role in medicine, such as the efflux pumps that pump drugs out of a cell.

In cell biology, the nucleus (pl. nuclei; from Latin nucleus or nuculeus, meaning kernel) is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells. It contains most of the cell's genetic material, organized as multiple long linear DNA molecules in complex with a large variety of proteins, such as histones, to form chromosomes. The genes within these chromosomes are the cell's nuclear genome. The function of the nucleus is to maintain the integrity of these genes and to control the activities of the cell by regulating gene expression — the nucleus is, therefore, the control center of the cell. The main structures making up the nucleus are the nuclear envelope, a double membrane that encloses the entire organelle and isolates its contents from the cellular cytoplasm, and the nucleoskeleton (which includes nuclear lamina), a mesh work within the nucleus that adds mechanical support, much like the cytoskeleton, which supports the cell as a whole. Movement of large molecules such as proteins and RNA through the pores is required for both gene expression and the maintenance of chromosomes. Because the nuclear membrane is impermeable to large molecules, nuclear pores are required that regulate Nuclear transport of molecules across the envelope. The pores cross both nuclear membranes, providing a channel through which larger molecules must be actively transported by carrier proteins while allowing free movement of small molecules and ions. The interior of the nucleus does not contain any membrane-bound sub compartments, its contents are not uniform, and a number of sub-nuclear bodies exist, made up of unique proteins, RNA molecules, and particular parts of the chromosomes. The best-known of these is the nucleolus, which is mainly involved in the assembly of ribosomes. After being produced in the nucleolus, ribosomes are exported to the cytoplasm where they translate mRNA.

Nuclear membrane
A nuclear membrane, also known as the nuclear envelope, nucleolemma or karyotheca is the double lipid bilayer membrane which surrounds the genetic material and nucleolus in eukaryotic cells.
The nuclear membrane consists of two lipid bilayers—the inner nuclear membrane, and the outer nuclear membrane. The space between the membranes is called the perinuclear space, a region contiguous with the lumen (inside) of the endoplasmic reticulum. It is typically about 20–40 nm wide.

The outer nuclear membrane is also contiguous with the endoplasmic reticulum. While it is physically linked, the outer nuclear membrane contains various proteins found in far higher concentrations than the endoplasmic reticulum.

Inner membrane 

The inner nuclear membrane encloses the nucleoplasm, and is covered by the nuclear lamina, a mesh of intermediate filaments which stabilizes the nuclear membrane as well as being involved in chromatin function and gene expression. It is connected to the outer membrane by nuclear pores which penetrate the membranes. While the two membranes and the endoplasmic reticulum are linked, proteins embedded in the membranes tend to stay put rather than dispersing across the continuum.

In cell biology, an organelle /ɔrɡəˈnɛl/ is a specialized subunit within a cell that has a specific function, and it is usually separately enclosed within its own lipid bilayer.

The name organelle comes from the idea that these structures are to cells what an organ is to the body (hence the name organelle, the suffix -elle being a diminutive). Organelles are identified by microscopy, and can also be purified by cell fractionation. There are many types of organelles, particularly in eukaryotic cells. While Prokaryotes do not possess organelles per se, some do contain protein-based microcompartments, which are thought to act as primitive organelles.

In cell biology, a mitochondrion /ˌmaɪtoʊˈkɒndʒri.ən/ (plural mitochondria) is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. These organelles range from 0.5 to 1.0 micrometer (μm) in diameter. Mitochondria are sometimes described as "cellular power plants" because they generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), used as a source of chemical energy. In addition to supplying cellular energy, mitochondria are involved in other tasks such as signaling, cellular differentiation, cell death, as well as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth. Mitochondria have been implicated in several human diseases, including mitochondrial disorders and cardiac dysfunction, and may play a role in the aging process. The word mitochondrion comes from the Greek μίτος, mitos, i.e. "thread", and χονδρίον, chondrion, i.e. "granule".

Several characteristics make mitochondria unique. The number of mitochondria in a cell varies widely by organism and tissue type. Many cells have only a single mitochondrion, whereas others can contain several thousand mitochondria. The organelle is composed of compartments that carry out specialized functions. These compartments or regions include the outer membrane, the intermembrane space, the inner membrane, and the cristae and matrix. Mitochondrial proteins vary depending on the tissue and the species. In humans, 615 distinct types of proteins have been identified from cardiac mitochondria, whereas in Murinae (rats), 940 proteins encoded by distinct genes have been reported. The mitochondrial proteome is thought to be dynamically regulated. Although most of a cell's DNA is contained in the cell nucleus, the mitochondrion has its own independent genome. Further, its DNA shows substantial similarity to bacterial genomes.

Golgi apparatus

The Golgi apparatus, also known as the Golgi complex, Golgi body, or simply the Golgi, is an organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. It was identified in 1897 by the Italian physician Camillo Golgi and named after him in 1898.

Part of the cellular endomembrane system, the Golgi apparatus packages proteins inside the cell before they are sent to their destination; it is particularly important in the processing of proteins for secretion.

Chloroplasts /ˈklɔrəplæsts/ are organelles found in plant cells and some other eukaryotic organisms. As well as conducting photosynthesis, they carry out almost all fatty acid synthesis in plants, and are involved in a plant's immune response. A chloroplast is a type of plastid which specializes in photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, chloroplasts capture the sun's light energy, and store it in the energy storage molecules ATP and NADPH while freeing oxygen from water. They then use the ATP and NADPH to make organic molecules from carbon dioxide in a process known as the Calvin cycle.

The word chloroplast (χλωροπλάστης) is derived from the Greek words chloros (χλωρός), which means green, and plastes (πλάστης), which means "the one who forms".

The primary result of mitosis is the transferring of the parent cell's genome into two daughter cells. These two cells are identical and do not differ in any way from the original parent cell. The genome is composed of a number of chromosomes—complexes of tightly coiled DNA that contain genetic information vital for proper cell function. Because each resultant daughter cell should be genetically identical to the parent cell, the parent cell must make a copy of each chromosome before mitosis. This occurs during the S phase of interphase, the period that precedes the mitotic phase in the cell cycle where preparation for mitosis occurs.
Each chromosome now has an identical copy of itself, and together the two are called sister chromatids. The sister chromatids are held together by a specialized region of the chromosome: a DNA sequence called the centromere.
The "real" process of mitosis begins when the chromosomes condense and become visible. In most eukaryotes, the nuclear membrane which segregates the DNA from the cytoplasm disintegrates into membrane vesicles. The nucleolus which make ribosomes in the cell also dissolves. The chromosomes align themselves in a line spanning the cell. Microtubules — essentially miniature strings— splay out from opposite ends of the cell and shorten, pulling apart the sister chromatids of each chromosome. As a matter of convention, each sister chromatid is now considered a chromosome, so they are renamed to daughter chromosomes. As the cell elongates, corresponding daughter chromosomes are pulled toward opposite ends. A new nuclear membrane forms around the separated daughter chromosomes.
As mitosis completes,the cell begins cytokinesis. In animal cells, the cell pinches inward where the imaginary line used to be (the area of the cell membrane that pinches to form the two daughter cells is called the cleavage furrow), separating the two developing nuclei. In plant cells, the daughter cells will construct a new dividing cell wall between each other. Eventually, the parent cell will be split in half, giving rise to two daughter cells, each with a replica of the original genome.

Prokaryotic cells undergo a process called binary fission which is very much different from the process of mitosis, because of the non-involvement of nuclear dynamics and lack of linear chromosomes.

Mitosis is the process by which a cell separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets, in two separate nuclei. It is a form of nuclear division. It is generally followed immediately by cytokinesis, which divides the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles, and cell membrane into two cells containing roughly equal shares of these cellular components. Mitosis and cytokinesis together define the mitotic (M) phase of the cell cycle—the division of the mother cell into two daughter cells, genetically identical to each other and to their parent cell. This accounts for approximately 10% of the cell cycle.
Mitosis occurs only in eukaryotic cells and the process varies in different species. For example, animals undergo an "open" mitosis, where the nuclear envelope breaks down before the chromosomes separate, while fungi such as Aspergillus nidulans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) undergo a "closed" mitosis, where chromosomes divide within an intact cell nucleus. Prokaryotic cells, which lack a nucleus, divide by a process called binary fission.
The process of mitosis is fast and highly complex. The sequence of events is divided into stages corresponding to the completion of one set of activities and the start of the next. These stages are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. During mitosis the pairs of chromatids condense and attach to fibers that pull the sister chromatids to opposite sides of the cell. The cell then divides in cytokinesis, to produce two identical daughter cells which are still diploid cells.
Because cytokinesis often occurs in conjunction with mitosis, "mitosis" is often used interchangeably with "mitotic phase". However, there are many cells where mitosis and cytokinesis occur separately, forming single cells with multiple nuclei. This occurs most notably among the fungi and slime molds, but is found in various groups. Even in animals, cytokinesis and mitosis may occur independently, for instance during certain stages of fruit fly embryonic development. Errors in mitosis can either kill a cell through apoptosis or cause mutations that may lead to certain types of cancer.
Mitosis was discovered in frog, rabbit, and cat cornea cells in 1873 and described for the first time by the Polish histologist Wacław Mayzel in 1875. The term is derived from the Greek word mitos i.e. "warp thread".

Saturday, 1 June 2013


A dichotomy is any splitting of a whole into exactly two non-overlapping parts, meaning it is a procedure in which a whole is divided into two parts. It is a partition of a whole (or a set) into two parts (subsets) that are:
Such a partition is also frequently called a bipartition.
The two parts thus formed are complements. In logic, the partitions are opposites if there exists a proposition such that it holds over one and not the other
The term comes from the Greek dichotomia (Greek: "διχοτομία") (divided): dich- (form of dícha, in two, asunder); tomia- a combining form meaning cutting, incision, excision of an object.

  • In biology, a dichotomy is a division of organisms into two groups, typically based on a characteristic present in one group and absent in the other. Such dichotomies are used as part of the process of identifying species, as part of a dichotomous key, which asks a series of questions, each of which narrows down the set of organisms. A well known dichotomy is the question "does it have a backbone?" used to divide species into vertebrates and invertebrates.

Binary fission

Binary fission, meaning "division in half", refers to a method of asexual reproduction. It is the most common form of reproduction in prokaryotes and occurs in some single-celled eukaryotes. After replicating its genetic material, the cell divides into two equal sized daughter cells. The genetic material is also equally partitioned, therefore, the daughter cells are genetically identical (unless a mutation occurred during replication) to each other and the parent cell. They then split into two. Transverse binary fission divides the cell across the short axis (e.g., most bacilli-shaped bacteria), longitudinal binary fission across the long axis (e.g., Trypanosoma), and random binary fission across no defined axis (e.g., Amoeba). Some biologists use this term for multi-cellular organisms that asexually reproduce by dividing into two (e.g., some star fish). This is also known as fragmentation. Spirogyra, a type of algae also reproduces by binary fission.
For better understand of binary fission refer to Trypanosma division

As one would expect, creating a functional human body with 10 fingers and 10 toes from a single cell is a highly coordinated process of cell differentiation. By comparison, the growth of a single rod-shaped bacterium and its division into two cells would be expected to be relatively simple. A bacterial cell elongates until it reaches a specific length, then proceeds to septate at the center, and there you have it—two daughter cells. Easy stuff, right? However, it turns out that the two daughter cells are not always the same. Cells of members of three large and anciently-diverged clades of bacteria (Actinobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Planctomycetes) grow from a single pole and divide asymmetrically, producing two daughter cells that are not identical at birth. Of course, this is also the well-known lifestyle of budding yeasts.

What types of evolutionary advantages might result from creating two different daughter cells? InCaulobacter crescentus, a stalk formed at one of the poles attaches the cell to surfaces, whereas a flagellum is formed at the other pole, making that cell motile. Reproductive asymmetries may prove advantageous in removing damaged or old cellular machinery from the population. By segregating the “old” macromolecules into one daughter cell and forcing the other cell to generate new macromolecules, bacterial lineages may be able to persist under stress conditions. In these instances, polar growth creates a heterogeneous population which could increase the fitness of a microbial species in response to environmental stress. It makes sense, therefore, to look for growth at the poles in other species as well. The question arises: could polar growth also contribute to an antibiotic resistant phenotype?

morphous or morphic

a combining form with the meaning “having the shape, form, or structure” of the kind or number specified by the initial element:polymorphous.
                                        [< Greek -morphos, adj. derivative of morphḗ form]

Friday, 31 May 2013


Eukaryotes have a separate membrane bound nucleus, numerous mitochondria and other organelles such as the Golgi Body within each of their cells. These areas are separated off from the main mass of the cell's cytoplasm by their own membrane in order to allow them to be more specialised. The nucleus contains all the Eukaryote cell DNA for instance and the Mitochondria are where energy is generated. The exception to this rule are red blood cells which have no nucleus and do not live very long.

Eukaryotic cells have an organized nucleus with a nuclear envelope. They have a "brain" for the cell. They have a discreet area where they keep their DNA. It is also said that they have a "true nucleus." Can we say it any other way? 

Eukaryotes are cells that can do anything. They are the cells that have helped organisms advance to new levels of specialization beyond imagination. 

 Eukaryotic cells usually have organelles. They might have mitochondria, maybe a chloroplast, or some endoplasmic reticulum. They have parts that work to make the cell a self-sufficient organism. 

(3) Although limited in size by the physics of diffusion, eukaryotic cells can get very large. There are even some extreme examples called plasmodial slime molds that can be a meter wide. The cell is multinucleated (many nuclei) and it gets huge. Generally, eukaryotic cells are a couple hundred times the size of a prokaryotic cell. 

(4) Eukaryotic cells have extra stuff going on and extra parts attached. Since they have organelles and organized DNA they are able to create parts. One example is the flagellum (a tail-like structure to help it move). They could also create cilia (little hairs that help scoot the cell through the water). In the invertebrate section, we talk about nematocysts that are cells with little harpoons for catching prey. The list is endless.

Really ?

They wouldn't be bothered, they are too busy farming or candy crushing to even notice!


coincidence ?